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Writer's pictureTsivya Fox

What Happened to My Home and What Can I Do About It?

Updated: Jun 17, 2023

When families receive their first interior design consultation with me, they often start the discussion with, “I don’t know what happened to my home. It always looks messy and I’m constantly tidying up, but it doesn’t seem to make it look better.”

People desire order and beauty. Yet, they look around and see clutter, disorganization, and mess. Frustration builds as they try to figure out what the problem is.

I tell them what I’m telling you. LIFE happened!

A couple gets married and either is fortunate to get new furniture or inherit someone else’s extras. This might include a dining room table and chairs, bedroom set, closet, couch, bookcase, and more. Whether their home was created with new or used items, the couple is happy to have a “home of their own.” All is relatively fine as their love blooms and their relationship develops.

Then, they have their first child. There's still space for toys on the bottom shelf of their bookcase and the crib fits into the corner of their bedroom.

Baby two brings some challenges. Where will everyone sleep? Is there a place for a potty and diapers? What about the highchair and additional toys and books?

By the time baby three makes its arrival, the couple may be lucky enough to move into a larger place. They take what they’ve accumulated over the years, pick up a few more random items from a neighbor who was clearing out old things or maybe they go on an Ikea shopping spree to get another bed, night table, and toy box. There are also more appliances on the counter and some pots and dishes that don’t fit into cabinets.

One day, the mother looks around and thinks, “I keep straightening up, yet the place is a mess.” Or, the husband wonders, “Why do I feel like I’m living in a storage room?”

They wonder how their once cute couple's home took on a life of its own. They just can’t figure it out.

That’s where I come in. As an interior designer with fresh eyes and creative ideas, I help people organize the look and flow of their homes in a way that makes sense.

Sometimes, it’s just a matter of rearranging furniture. Other times, we need to clear the odds and ends that have accumulated over the years and acquire more practical and beautiful items.

People may need to hear that their home feels and looks discombobulated because it is! That random couch with the random coffee table with the random too-small-for-the-wall picture, with the random shelving is not serving the family’s growing and changing needs.

As budget is always a consideration, we sort out together what is loved, useful and purposeful and what needs to be changed to make everything else work smoothly.

Important factors to take into consideration when making your space feel like the home of your dreams:

  1. Recognize the challenges.

  2. Know the full and ultimate goal of your project before making any purchases.

  3. Take the steps needed to achieve your goals in the most budget friendly and headache-free way.

Sometimes, all you need is a new set of eyes and information to help you sort things out and succeed in having a more organized and beautiful living space. An interior designer will help you define:

  1. What’s the problem here?

  2. How can it be fixed in the easiest, most cost effective, functional, and beautiful way?

  3. Where can I get what is needed?

I’m here for you and happy to help!

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